only 20 spots available!


2 Practitioners. 

2 Functional Labs.

1 Amazing Group Program.


Well Balanced is an 8-week virtual program focused on helping women thrive in all aspects of life. 

We understand how overwhelming the functional health world can be, and we are here to remove the noise and provide a safe space to learn and grow. We believe that true wellness encompasses a mind, body & spirit approach and we look forward to holding your hand in your journey.

The program starts Monday, February 19th! Don't wait! 

Are you ready to stop implementing "quick fixes" or band-aid approaches and truly learn how your body works & how to create long-term lifestyle change?

Are you ready to stop spending countless amounts of time and money on protocols, cleanses, extensive programs or even "life changing" supplements and finally find a personalized, root-cause approach?

Are you ready to stop feeling burnt out and disconnected from your body and are ready to finally achieve the well-balanced lifestyle you have always wanted?

Program details:

February 19th - April 12th


So wonderful to meet you! And please, call me Kell.

I have been in your shoes - unanswered questions, frustrating doctor's visits, unexplained symptoms... but I'm here to remind you that there IS hope in the healing process and you are in the right place!!

True healing comes down to addressing our symptoms with a root-cause approach, being willing to unlearn some of the information that we have been taught about our health (or finally learning things that we were never taught!) and truly understanding how our body WORKS. And we simply cannot forget that the body is all connected, so it's impossible to address isolated symptoms without looking at the whole picture.

I want you to feel empowered & educated about stepping into your most vital self, take charge of your health and learn how to honor your unique biological design, all without the overwhelm! I want you to learn how to nourish yourself well and how to support your whole body through a holistic (and balanced) approach. 

Let’s start thriving! ✨

Nutritional THerapy Practitioner (NTP), CERTIFIED HEALTH COACH (CHC), Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)


Hey there! I'm so glad you are here.

I can totally relate to all the reasons you clicked on this link for more information about our program.

I too, was an overwhelmed and confused Dr. Google, just trying to figure out why I felt anxious, unable to lose weight, and struggling with period and digestion issues.  I am also a wife and mom to two daughters doing my best to ensure my family is healthy and thriving. 

My goal as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is to empower you to become knowledgeable about your health and how to take responsibility for all aspects. I'm here to show you that your body isn’t your enemy in your desire to overcome the health challenges and symptoms interfering with your life. I'm here to help you feel confident in caring for your family and ensuring that they are healthy and thriving as well. Our body craves balance. Together, we will work to restore balance and function without the confusion, overwhelm, or restriction.

It is possible, my friend. It starts here! ✨



Nutritional THerapy Practitioner (NTP), Restorative wellness practitioner, level 2 (RWP)

A well-balanced approach to health

We are all seeking answers to our challenging symptoms and health concerns. But let's face it - there is a lot of noise. It's becoming more and more difficult to know what is right and what direction to take that is best for our individual health.

Our approach in this program is one where you finally feel empowered with information, based on your unique physiology, and have the tools and support to make impactful changes tailored to you

No more cookie cutter advice. No more DIY health fixes. No more white knuckling through intense and restrictive diets. No more stressing about reversing your progress when a friend invites you to brunch. 

We are focused on helping you make the right changes that will have the biggest impact on your goals, all while living a life that is balanced. When you understand the root cause to your symptoms and have the answers, tools, and proper support to move forward - you can enjoy life's sweet moments with grace and compassion for yourself. 

It's what a well-balanced life looks like!

Are you ready?




Payment Plans available



[ONLY 20 spots available]

The 8-week program includes:


Access to (2) Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioners to guide you on the path to becoming your healthiest self


(2) Nutritional Assessment Questionnaires (NAQ) - an incredibly comprehensive & insightful health assessment that pinpoints specific areas of dysfunction and imbalance within the body - given at the beginning and end of the program to assess progress


(1) Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Functional Test + (1) Functional Bloodwork Panel with a video review of each & a bio-individual 3-month supplement protocol (*supplements are not included in the cost of the program and are optional to incorporate).


(1) 60-90 minute educational Zoom meeting each week - starting Monday, February 19th at 7:00pm EST/4:00pm PST (*all sessions are recorded in case you aren't able to make one!)


30+ PDF handouts to help support you in your journey, including: happy hormone grocery guide, balanced snack guide, recipe guides, hormone imbalance checklist, self-paced fitness program, cycle syncing guide, low-toxic living guide, digestion & gut checklist, fertility-focused resources and more!


Interactive worksheets, weekly group challenges and goal sheets to track progress and patterns


A private Slack group chat for accountability & encouragement


Private 1:1 messaging support with your assigned practitioner regarding your personalized lab results



GETTING STARTED: This week is our introductory kick-off call where you will get to know us as practitioners, and learn more about the group program layout & expectations, etc. We will also get to know YOU!


REAL FOOD FOUNDATIONS: This week we will dive into all things nutrition including a macronutrient breakdown, how to build balanced meals & snacks while honoring blood sugar regulation, how to improve your relationship with food and navigate environments you can’t control and how to understand what habits and practices are keeping you from reaching your goals


LOW-TOXIC & NUTRIENT DENSE LIVING: This week we will discuss how to read labels properly, how to understand what ingredients to avoid/be mindful of when shopping, how to navigating healthier swaps (in the kitchen & in beauty, personal care, etc.) and how to reduce toxins in all aspects of your health journey


DIGESTION & GUT HEALTH: This week is a deep dive into digestion and the gut! We will walk through the 5 stages of digestion, learn about gut health (aka our “second brain!"), habits and foods to optimize digestion, how to support natural detoxification along with the gut-brain and hormone-gut connection


MIGHTY MINERALS & HYDRATION: This week is focused all on the importance of minerals. Not only how to enhance our mineral intake through our diet, but also how to use minerals in order to enhance hydration, optimize fertility, reduce inflammation, and more. We will discuss more about the HTMA Functional test as well (that you have included in the program!)


MASTER YOUR MONTHLY CYCLE: This week is all about how to master your monthly cycle. It includes a birth control breakdown and how the various forms affect your health, the four phases of your cycle, understanding natural cyclical tracking & learning the FAM method, along with fertility-focused lifestyle & nutrition recommendations


THE EXTRA TLC: This week is for all the extra TLC! Alcohol, understanding staple supplements and supports, optimizing sleep & your circadian rhythm, and finding joy, community and achieving BALANCE!


CELEBRATION: Congratulations, you did it! This final week is wide open for a live Q&A, and for us to share final resources, continued education and connections


Is the program virtual? Is enrollment limited?

Yes! The program is 100% online, so you can join from anywhere!

Due to the nature of the program, enrollment is limited to the first 20 women who apply and secure their deposit. So don't wait, enroll as soon as you know this is the right fit for you. Enrollment ends Sunday, Feb 11th!

Do you offer payments plans?

Yes, absolutely. You can either pay for the program in full ($995) or pay in 3 installments: ($295) today, ($350) before the program officially begins, ($350) by week four of the curriculum. We know that enrolling in this program is a big investment, so we will definitely work with you financially as best we can.

Is functional testing included? What about supplements?

Yes! For enrolling in this program, you will receive (1) Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Functional Test + (1) Functional Bloodwork Panel with a video review of each & a bio-individual 3-month supplement protocol. *Supplements are not included in the cost of the program, but you will get a 20% discount through our Fullscript supplement dispensary. They are also optional to do.

What if I have to miss one of the LIVE sessions?

No worries at all! We totally understand that life can get busy, so all calls will be recorded in case you need to miss one. 

Is this similar to working with either of you 1:1? 

This is definitely very similar! You won't get as much 1:1 attention as you would in either of our 1:1 Nutritional Therapy programs, but the material and education is very similar. The group environment is amazing though and has so many benefits not offered in 1:1!

What resources are included?

SO MANY!!! You will have access to over 30 PDF handouts & guides to assist you in your journey. Plus, each week we will dive deeper into topics and have time for Q&A. This allows you to get the most out of the program and have the most support.

Who is this program for and not for?

This program is for women who are wanting to step away from diet culture, reclaim their health and support their body (and their symptoms) from a root-cause, holistic approach. This is NOT for women who want another "quick-fix" and aren't committed to whole-body healing.

How much time will I need to dedicate to this program?

The LIVE weekly calls are 60-90 minutes long (optional to attend) and all of the new habits that you will learn may require a bit of a time adjustment. But once you get into a rhythm, you'll be in a nice little flow! 

I have a few additional questions, who can I contact?

We are happy to answer questions!

You can either email Kellie at or Renee at


The next program will be fall 2024




“After completing the Well Balanced program, I have the most knowledge and confidence I've ever had! I previously tried many diets, meal plans, etc, and none of them seemed to work well for me. I was working out often but not seeing the results I felt I should see, so I knew I was missing something. The program taught me healthy and effective methods for living a balanced but not restrictive lifestyle. It focuses on how to achieve mental and physical wellness in ways that are easy to incorporate into busy lifestyles. Jess and Renee provide a unique and welcoming atmosphere to discuss all aspects of health and wellness and how they are all connected to each other. You'll be surprised how much you can learn and incorporate in just 8 weeks!”


"The Well Balanced approach has transformed the way I look at health and wellness. I have done it all - yo-yo dieting, restricting food groups, intense workout routines, etc. During this program, I learned that the key to a healthy life is building a foundation of good habits and not what I remove from life but what I add. Kell and Renee do an excellent job of providing you with the tools and knowledge (and the most amazing resources - not to mention the functional lab access!) to build your foundation and sustain it. I feel 1000x's better about my future health after taking this program and feel that I will grow into a healthy relationship with wellness. I highly recommend to any woman wanting to dive deeper into their health!"


“I have always been focused on the nutrition side of things when it comes to my healing journey that I never realized HOW important other aspects of our health are.... gut & digestive health, liver health, blood sugar balance, menstrual health and most importantly our mental health! Every aspect is connected to each other and you can't address one symptom or expect to fully heal without focusing on the whole body. The fact that you get two amazing practitioners in this program for the price of one... there truly is nothing like it! Kell & Renee make a great team and I can't wait to dive deeper into everything I learned and stay in touch with them for all future support.”

Your health is an investment, not an expense. Take charge of your life!